
The Blue Bullet

I'm sure most of you are in need of some news unrelated to HxC, SO here you go. Late last night i was driving home on I-71 from this babes house cruising at 65 mph and a large damn deer decided to try and cross the highway. I saw the thing for a half a second then slammed on my brakes and swerved in my attempt to miss it. I failed. I whacked him on the drivers side and did a 180 and ended up facing the opposite direction on the highway. Luckily no one was around or I probably wouldn't be telling this story. I turned around and pulled off the road, got out and just screamed for 15 minutes. I was so pissed. My parents just bought me this car and now i fucked it all up. I mean i have to pay monthly and for insurance and all that jazz, but they do so much for me and feel like I'm just a bad kid. I drove the rest of the way home with my hazards on and left my parents a note by the coffee pot that said "I hit a god damn deer last night". My dad woke me up around 6:30 and we called the insurance people and body shops. Hopefully it will be fixed soon because I have my internship three days a week downtown and my valet job as well. So my advice to all, when that new Chris Brown song "No Air" comes on the radio, BE ALERT, STAY ALERT, IT WONT HURT!


TAYLOR said...

Hey Jeff stuver

Anonymous said...

Holy shit chuck! Be careful buddy!

Sound And Fury said...

hey, im glad you are ok.
i hope that blue bullet gets fixed asap.
jeff stuver is sad now because he lost his spot as #1 deer killer.

TAYLOR said...

Hey s&f, chuck didn't even for sure kill the deer, but it probably found a nice place to lay down and die in peace.

Anonymous said...

You don't think, just drink and drink then sink...and drive and hit deer with your car...

Anonymous said...

Oh, that Chris Brown. He'll get you every time.